Turning Reflections into Actions for 2016


Blogger: Barry Siskind

Author of Powerful Exhibit Marketing

Year end when many of us take the time to reflect on the state of our businesses and the personal accomplishments we have achieved. This year my personal reflections went back decades and it all started in Milan when I had the opportunity to talk to many UFI members and participate in stimulating sessions. My thoughts turned to the reason I chose the exhibition business to build my career. My first exposure was decades ago when a friend of mine who was exhibiting at a local fair invited me to see what he was up to. He started my tour on a balcony that overlooked the entire exhibit hall.

From my birds-eye vantage point, I witnessed the creation of temporary showrooms, some with elaborate construction techniques and others that popped out of a box. The room was filled with people; carpenters, electricians, carpet layers, painters, forklift drivers and stand personnel. The chaos was overwhelming and I failed to understand how everything would pull together. I worried that my friend was participating in an event way beyond his capabilities.


When the show opened, I walked the aisles in awe. I knew someone had orchestrated all the elements so that when the visitors arrived everything was perfect. I was amazed and at the same time hooked. Something inside me said, this is a business I want to be a part of

Think back to your first exhibition. What was your impression? Did what you see strike you as a good business. Did you say to yourself; this is how I want to spend my career? Or, did you find the experience interesting but felt it had no relevance in your future?

For me being witness to the magic of show business was a eureka moment that I imagine holds true for many professionals; doctors, lawyers, engineers and crafts people who experience a moment in their lives when their career finds them. These are the lucky people.

There is another group that sidles through a number of careers before they finally discover the world of exhibitions. These people bring with them a depth of knowledge and a fresh approach that can be invigorating to the organizations that hire them.

Whether the spark came early in life or later, it’s still happened. But, with the drudgery of everyday pressures that come with running an exhibition, we often lose sight of that thing that intrigued us (and our employees) in the first place.

I have a suggestion. Why not conduct a quick survey of your staff and ask them why they chose this business. As you review their comments, look for common trends. Now as you plan your resolutions for 2016, include a promise to include initiatives that will bring back the magic.
This article was originally published on the UFI Live Blog: www.ufilive.org