O desempenho da feira segue o desempenho dos mercados em que atuam

O mais recente Barômetro Global da UFI, publicado este ano, prova mais uma vez um dos provérbios mais comuns em nossa indústria: “o desempenho...

Charging Thailand’s energy trade with Asia’s battery: Lao

Blogger: Mrs. Jaruwan Suwannasat, Director, Exhibition and Events Department of TCEB Lao PDR is a country experiencing remarkable and stable economic growth, a fact that...

Best destination approach 2017 to implementing sustainability

How can the exhibition industry and a country, region or city work together to facilitate sustainable development? Apply until 31 January 2017 The 2017 UFI Sustainable...

New UFI research highlights “Best Practices in Sustainability” – more than 40 best practice...

UFI - the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry has released its “Best Practices in Sustainability” report, which showcases the winning and shortlisted entries...

UFI expands team at Paris headquarters – welcomes two new members of staff

Jana Hofmann As the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, UFI is serving around 50,000 employees of exhibition organisers, venues, service providers, and industry associations...

UFI President

Blogger: Sergey Alexeev, UFI President In September, I had the pleasure to welcome UFI’s Executive Committee to my home town, St. Petersburg. There, we discussed all...

5 Reasons Badges We Are Using Don’t Work

Blogger: Stephanie Selesnick, President of International Trade Information, Inc. Badges are one of the standard things in all exhibitions and events. We require them for...

Shanghai gears up for UFI’s 83rd Global Congress: The Exhibition Industry in Transformation

UFI’s Global Congress, the most international gathering of leaders from the exhibition industry, is set to support and inspire events professionals from more than...

Sharing knowledge across platforms for the exhibition industry

Blogger: Kai Hattendorf, UFI Managing Director When we meet at the UFI Annual Global Congress in Shanghai, we will discuss the trends and developments that...

Delivering on trade promises with trade shows

Blogger: Mrs. Jaruwan Suwannasat, Director, Exhibition and Events Department of TCEB The second Cambodia-Thailand Joint Cabinet Retreat took place in Bangkok in August, an event...